Some great pitch decks

Hi All,

In a year, at Rainmatter, we end up hearing from ~5000 companies and we speak to around 500 of them, while eventually investing in around 50-60 companies. And felt we should share some of the pitch decks that caught our attention. Useful for younger founders to refer and use the guidance.

Here are couple of them from last month, will keep adding here -

Pitch deck - Recube.pdf (2.0 MB)

Pitch deck - Lo Foods-compressed.pdf (2.3 MB)


How effective are Pitch deck Videos?

It does help you stand out. :slight_smile:

But storytelling is probably more important - in both decks and videos. So should optimize for how you are presenting your ideas and thoughts. But yes, in a world where everyone is still probably sharing pitch decks, a recorded video does give you an edge.

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Great, Thank you for the inputs & the references shared above🙂

1% conversion is a solid rate @Pai , but if the ticket size could be reduced and the conversion increased to 5%, the success rate would significantly improve.

This would also enable more startups to benefit from your support and create a larger impact.

We dont restrict ourselves on ticket sizes. We are actively figuring out where we can support founders. The angel stage startups, in most cases, are better off with angel investors, but even there, we try to find out if we can invest.

Thank you for sharing this! I really admire the ecosystem you’re building—it’s refreshing to see an approach that goes beyond funding and creates value for founders at every stage.

Even non-funders have a lot to gain from this kind of support.

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