The VO2 Max Graph in 'Outlive'

I haven’t been able to unsee this since coming across it in an Andrew Chen newsletter and since then having gone a bit deeper into the topic, would love to discuss with people who find this relatable/fascinating. Here are couple of things on my mind:

  1. Would this data be different for Indian population (let’s say only urban)? My instinct tells me we’d probably be 10-15% less fitter than the average Western audience.

  2. For those of you who have seen it, have you affected any changes in your training/fitness regimes?

(Hope this isn’t something that already has another thread. If yes, will delete this).

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Yes, the approach may need slight adjustments for an Indian urban population. While the overarching message of promoting healthy eating and collaboration with a dietitian remains the same, there are cultural and dietary differences to consider. For example, the emphasis on vegetarianism or certain dietary preferences common in Indian cuisine might influence the type of services or menu offerings highlighted in the collaboration.

Additionally, addressing the potential perception of fitness levels compared to a Western audience could be approached delicately, perhaps by emphasizing the importance of personalized nutrition guidance tailored to individual needs and lifestyles, regardless of baseline fitness levels.

Overall, the core message remains focused on promoting healthy eating habits and providing access to expert nutritional guidance, but it should be contextualized to resonate with the target audience’s preferences and cultural norms.

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