An average Indian employee works 46.7 hours every week, placing India as the 2nd most over-worked country globally.
This is directly linked to high stress levels and irrational sleep patterns amongst Indians.
It is so bad that more than half the population does not sleep well, 55% precisely.
With the online debate around working hours, an over-working mindset is only going to increase prevalence of chronic diseases.
While working hard is a given in the current competitive market, it is important to be aware of the mental well-being.
In fact, Norway and Denmark with 30% lesser weekly work hours is economically more prosperous.
Many other factors are involved, but it is definitely wrong to equate more working hours with better per capita GDP.
No wonder a whole new sector in India has found a place - mental health startups, mediation apps, sleep trackers and wearables.
This is because people have accepted that “stress toh rahega, better to find ways how to manage stress”
For 365veda: Ayurceuticals Brand, Ashwagandha strips have been the natural best sellers that manage both stress and sleep cycles.
As we grow as an economy, it would be great to see India rank up on Happiness Index as well.
Work hard, but sleep well!