Streamlining the process for mining companies to build more certainty and confidence

With the growing push for electric vehicles, solar panels and advanced electronics, the need for critical and deep-seated minerals is ever increasing. For energy security, self-reliance and economic growth, it’s important that India sustainably harness these minerals. But India is still not getting desired response from the mining companies.

Recently government auctioned 21 mining sites, rich in critical minerals failed to receive desired response. One major reason are the insufficient explorations. Given the sites have gone through only preliminary surveys, it lacks information about probability assessment that includes mineral quality & quantity before the big investment is done. Another hurdle is the complex structure of regulations and policy factors.

Chronicle provides a more efficient interface to understand and interact with the complex structure of regulations, policy factors to be able to negotiate with reasonable demands. Another is providing a detailed report on probability assessment of the site.

Streamlining the process and sufficient exploration together will help increase the confidence to attract more response from the mining companies adding more certainty in the overall mining process.

The intent is to remove the hurdles, bring more confidence and speed up the process before the mining starts so that more mining companies see it as a feasible and a viable option.

An approach that’s proactive, value based for long term gains, built on the basis of trust developed from complete understanding of not just end to end process but also adapting to rapidly evolving needs.

Looking forward to connect, collaborate and build that will be valuable and long term.

Email: [email protected]

Adding link to how the platform may look like.

Hope this adds context to the pitch above.

Shilpa, this is outside the focus areas.