Slowing down...for better mental health

This is a thought experiment.
For the past few months my exposure to mobile and social apps increased significantly. Specifically Whatsapp communication has been very hard to manage. It has started affecting my mental health and impacted my ability to focus on work and things i like to do otherwise.

Have decided to make an effort in cutting down my mobile time. And to make myself accountable will use this space as a placeholder to share my cadence.

For next 10 days, will add my daily report of my screen time. I don’t know where this will lead but for now it’s a thought experiment. Progress will be decrease in screen time as days evolve :crossed_fingers:

If you are reading this and want to join, feel free to jump in.
No rewards and no social gratification :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1, Sep 28

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That is quite true, constant plugging to the phone, or the need to do so, definitely keeps the stress high. WA has become ubiquitous in conversations, though one advantage is you may cut down on your call time by sharing voice notes, using Google Voice Typing to share the notes (cut down on email). Can’t quit WA, its slack for starups… so will cheer for you from sides as of now :smiley:

No exaggeration, but I have been super efficient in having minimal mobile screen time thanks to
a. Not having many social media apps on my mobile
b. Keeping all notifications off except WhatsApp and email

But then my screen time on my laptop would be super high.

In fact, today is probably double of average screen time because of testing multiple desktop software on mobile browsers. :slight_smile:

Day 2, Sep 29

Good initiative Dilip. One other key thing to track / share if possible is the total and deep sleep durations per day. Sleep decides the rhythm of the day.

Yes yes, sleep is underrated performance tool.
And it’s very intrinsic that is hard to mimic looking at others data. Shouldn’t actually.

Sharing data may just gamify it. That’s not the intent :blush: Everyone should have their own protocol. Ofcourse best practices should be shared.

Day 4, October 1st.

Day 3 , September 30th.

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Yes, not easy to mimic :slight_smile: But a safe duration per night is 7-8 hours. I am sure the deep sleep is much lesser, have to invest in a sleep wearable.
But, as we have seen at our product, gamifying with nuance works. Gamify well and it helps everyone.

Which sleep wearable do you recommend?