Menstrual Cramps

We’re looking to fund a phase 2 trial after having recently completed the world’s first succesful phase 1. We are a former BIRAC BIG awardee

As we proudly celebrate the completion of the world’s first Phase 1 clinical trial for cannabis and #Dysmenorrhea , the past two years have been a test of patience and discipline like no other.

When you innovate for the Global South, you often end up innovating for the world. Unfortunately, the reverse is not always true. Here’s the thought process behind what we did :

An estimated 83% or more of menstruating women experience severe #Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) at some point in their lives. This pain is often compared to the intensity of a minor heart attack.

Yet, current solutions are limited—a patchwork of self-medication, NSAIDs, or, most commonly, “nothing” in the global south. The “nothing” majority is an outright theft of quality of life, while the “patchwork approach” may cause long-term health concerns. There is and continues to be a critical need for a sustainable, accessible solution for ALL women.

How We Set Out to Solve :


Advanced markets have explored tampons, suppositories, and patches, but these are impractical for the Global South, where menstrual product penetration is below 30% and near zero when it comes to tampons in rural areas. Smoking, often associated with cannabis in Western markets, is also unsuitable for a medical solution meant for mass adoption. To ensure safety, universal accessibility, and effectiveness, we developed an orally delivered solution tailored to the needs of #ALL women.


Early versions of medical cannabis relied on THC-heavy, self-medicated “cure-alls,” while later, a “CBD wonder drug” phase began and efforts focused on high CBD doses (180-360gm per day), which were costly and impractical for most. For us, the ailment, not the ingredient, had to take priority, especially for women in the #GlobalSouth who cannot afford days off or psychotropic side effects and who often work all day prioritizing everyone else before themselves. Recognizing THC’s necessity for efficacy, we also prioritized avoiding stigma by creating a #sub1mgTHC per dose polyherbal product. This aim is to allow for titration while ensuring first-time patients experience no unwanted psychotropic effects. This was our biggest gamble going into trials.


In December 2022, The Ken wrote about our audacious ambition to become the Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. for medical cannabis. But audacity is what fuels us. Our mission is to create world-class solutions for mass ailments without pricing anyone out.

Dysmenorrhea is just the start. We’re targeting three more mass ailments, with announcements expected this year.

Every aspect of #FormulationFemme , its form, formulation, and affordability, was crafted with ALL women in mind.

With how the trial has gone, I hope to someday say, “The rest is history.” For now, forgive my unbridled celebration—this is just the beginning! Onward and upward!

More about our trial :

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All the best for your 3 mass ailments.

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Thank you.