Is Curcumin getting absorbed in the body?

But first, what is Curcumin? Curcumin is NOT turmeric.

Curcumin is the active molecule found in turmeric. The regular turmeric used in households has less than 2% curcumin content. Only a few specific variants like Lakadong Turmeric from Meghalaya has 7-9% curcumin content.

All the health benefits of turmeric actually depend on the curcumin content and its bioavailability. This includes anti-inflammatory, joint pain relief, antioxidant, metabolism, reduction in cholesterol and many more like anti-cancer, anti-ageing benefits that have been clinically validated.

Question is whether in powder or capsule format, how much of it is getting absorbed? Answer is close to ZERO.

Our liver is tuned to reject curcumin through the process of first pass metabolism and intestines do not absorb curcumin. So most of it is actually eliminated.

Which means practically no measurable health benefit unless consumed in a sustained manner for a very long time. But that too can increase chances of kidney stones.

Solution? The best way to consume curcumin is through orally dissolvable strips.

  • Absorption happens through buccal mucosa
  • Bypasses liver’s first pass metabolism
  • Enters into the blood directly through tongue
  • Gets absorbed in less than 4 hours
  • Quick action and faster bioavailability

One highlighting brand that sells Curcumin Strips is 365veda (365veda Curcumin In A Strip | Joint Pain Relief | Immunity | Sports)