Has anyone broken a hand/leg/any part of their body?

Breaking a bone is either a regular event for the seasoned professionals, or a daunting, life changing event for the un-initiated in this bone-break-bone world. I have been fortunate enough to have only suffered soft-tissue injuries; that’s right I am a Ligament tear veteran.

In any case most cases of broken bones, post-surgical intervention, and soft tissue injuries are dealt with using Plaster of Paris Casts.

I am sure, most of you guys here would at least know of, if not, have had the privilege of living through the torturous experience that is wearing a Cast!

As a team of Bonafide injury connoisseurs, we at Cre-AID are working hard to provide our injury prone brethren a better, more comfortable, and all round more pleasant healing experience. “Soft as a feather and hard as Dragon Scales”, Bilbo Baggins got it right when he described MITHRIL. Now, MITHRIL comes in the form of a splint to protect, support and help you recover to your best.

Check out what we do: www.creaidlabs.com

We would love to hear what you guys think about this concept. If you have any questions, or if anyone wants to collaborate, do reach out and start a discussion :).


Hey @Amartya thanks for taking us through what you guys are working on and sharing this. We ll take a look and get back.

@Dilip.Kumar your thoughts?

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Hi @Amartya What’s the most imprtant area you need help beyond funding? :slight_smile:

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I think its a good functional product and the user can apply cryo therapy while this cast is on which accelerates healing. Whats the take from ortho surgeons or rehab specialists ?


Hi Dilip, apologies for the delayed response.
First and foremost we need as many connections with the relevant Healthcare stakeholders as possible i.e. doctors, therapists, hospitals, procurement departments etc. is of great help!

Secondly, sales in the medical consumables market is a constant journey of course correction, so mentorship and help in this regard is always welcome.

Thank you ! :slight_smile:

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Hi Vikas, thank you and what you’re saying is spot on! It’s stronger than regular plaster, and more accessible and functional.

Currently, Orthopods love the concept and are adopting it as an alternative to plaster/synthetic tapes for post operative immobilisation. We also have a number of Prosthetists and Orthotists using the same. The therapists (Physio/Occupational) are still new territory for us as they are requiring very specialised case sensitive splinting intervention.