Do You Love Your Heart? ❤️

Recently, a 23-year-old dancer, Pranitha, suffered a sudden heart attack. Shockingly, studies show that Indians experience heart attacks 10 to 20 years earlier than Western populations.

The good news? These sudden heart attacks are preventable and even predictable. Let’s simplify it using an electrical fuse analogy and WhatsApp behavior:

Type V – High Risk to Fluctuations💓
Just like how a fuse blows with irregular voltage, an unstable heart is sensitive to sudden spikes.
If you’re checking WhatsApp notifications every minute, you’re constantly stimulating your nervous system, causing irregular heart impulses. Reduce notification anxiety.

Type P – High Risk of Overheating❤️‍🔥
Like how excessive load melts a fuse, an overworked heart struggles to keep up.
If you’re frequently engaging in heated political or religious debates online, your heart pumps more blood to the brain, stressing it. Limit unnecessary arguments.

Type K – High Risk of Blockages❤️‍🩹
Over time, rust on a fuse can cause a short circuit—just like how inactivity leads to blocked arteries.
If you’re a silent observer on WhatsApp, constantly absorbing opinions without expressing yourself, stress can quietly build up—just like plaque in arteries. Engage to keep your heart active.

I’m more of a Type V—what about you?,
Love your heart so it keeps beating for those you love.