Nutraceuticals market size: $450B+
Ayurveda products market size: $7B+
Ayurveda has the potential to turn into a global nutraceuticals provider. So what’s stopping it?
- Lack of evidence (negligible investment in R&D)
- Lack of innovation (form factor or otherwise)
- Palatability issue (neither tasty, nor convenient)
- Accessibility (not very easily available globally)
- Slow efficacy (in a world wanting instant gratification)
How do you fix this? Take best of both the worlds and innovate from ground up.
Ayurveda is too busy sticking to its roots. With a traditional mindset, it can only grow that much. But with innovation, it can grow exponentially.
Introducing Ayurceuticals - an innovative approach that combines Ayurveda and nutraceuticals to deliver 10X better solutions.
One brand leading this revolution is 365veda with research-backed ingredients, efficacious and innovative product range with trending ways of consumption selling in India and USA.
What is your take on this revolution?