Ayra: Online Publishing platform for Regional Writers

Hi Team,

I am Prasad Yoganarasimha, the Founder of Ayra Technologies. I am reaching out to introduce you to our online publishing platform, Ayra.

Let me try to paint you a picture of the problem we are trying to solve.

The Problem:

  • Less than 0.1% of content on the Internet is in Indian regional languages.
  • According to the KPMG 2023 Report, by 2027, approximately 800 million Indians will consume content online in Indian regional languages.
  • The Google 2020 Report indicates that 90% of YouTube viewers consume content in Indian languages, and Google searches for content in Indian languages are growing at 25-30% per year.
  • Most publishing platforms are not designed for Indian regional languages.
  • Many Indian regional writers are not tech-savvy, making even basic tasks like logging into an app or publishing articles online challenging.
  • Current platforms lack support for regional language writers, leading to low earning potential.

Our Solution: Ayra . Ayra is an online publishing platform exclusively for regional language writers. It allows writers to share their thoughts and earn from their writing while providing local and relevant content to regional readers. Think of it as Medium.com or YouTube, but specifically for regional writers/readers.

Key Differentiators:

• Designed with a focus on Indian Regional Languages
• Easily Scalable to Multiple Indian & Global Languages
• Digital Enablement Program for non-tech-savvy writers with training materials and videos in regional languages.
• Zero Entry Barrier for Writers
• Multi-language, All in One Unified platform for Articles, Stories, Poetry & more.

Here is what we have done so far:

  1. Bootstrapped and launched the web version of Ayra in Kannada, Hindi, and English in October 2023.
  2. Onboarded over 3,000 writers, with 2,500+ regional language writers.
  3. Have 15,000+ monthly active users.
  4. Started a subscription service for writers on July 11, 2024.
  5. Preparing to launch the Ayra Android and iOS app in July 2024.


  • Prasad Yoganarasimha (Founder) : 12+ years of IT experience across various roles in India and the USA, including software development, team leadership, and enterprise architecture.
  • Yashwanth Krishna (Co-founder) : 12+ years of IT experience, co-founder of Imversion Technologies, involved in the development of TechCrunch.com and creation of the microblogging platform Indiefact.

What help do we need from Zerodha - Rainmatter?

We are looking to raise our first round of pre-revenue seed funding to grow and scale Ayra into a global platform. We believe Zerodha - Rainmatter would be a great first investor and mentor, given your investment in MyLang.in and other media and content-based startups.

You can check out our platform here ayra.social

Thank you for taking time to read this post. We look forward to hearing from you and having the opportunity to pitch to you.


Elevate. Include. Celebrate. Digital Storytelling for Every Voice.

Hi Prasad,

We are not looking to invest in this space for the time being. The chase for us through MyLang was to learn about this space and figure what more we can do to help. We will reach out in case we explore this space again for investing.

Thanks Dinesh for your response. Appreciate you letting us know.
We hope one day Rainmatter explores this space again.
