Elevate Your Health & Well-being: Wellfinity's Perspective on 1. Common Health Conditions and 2. Empowering Lifestyle Hacks

Another 39 year old who had gotten his health-check up done recently with no alarming markers, suddenly had to be rushed to the hospital. Turned out to be a 100% blockage and had to undergo a stent procedure.

We are getting to hear more and more of such incidents. Hence its time we all took more care of ourselves along with those around us.

The most interesting bit is that these are not overnight developments, but a gradual 5-7 years of development which erupts one fine day through a trigger. Mostly true in all chronic disease cases.

:mag: Recognise these early signs for a preventive approach to heart health. :heart::star2:

:small_blue_diamond: Heart Rate: Ideal is 60 bpm or below, indicating a well-functioning heart in athletes and yoga practitioners, with increased stroke volume and decreased heart rate.

:small_blue_diamond: Blood Pressure: Optimal range is 110/70 - 120/80; consistently higher readings indicate hypertension, a sign of potential heart issues.

:small_blue_diamond: Cholesterol: Triglyceride/HDL ratio below 1.3 signals insulin sensitivity, while higher ratios may indicate insulin resistance, linked to cardiovascular disorders.

:small_blue_diamond: Energy Levels: High levels indicate a robust cardiopulmonary reserve and insulin sensitivity, while low energy may hint at heart strain.

:small_blue_diamond: Healthy Breathing: Lower respiratory rate suggests strong lungs and good oxygenation, often seen in yoga practitioners and athletes.

:small_blue_diamond: Endurance & Recovery: Good capacity to push limits during exercise, linked to a strong cardiopulmonary reserve and formation of collateral circulation in the heart’s blood vessels.

:small_blue_diamond: Oral Health: Influences cardiovascular health indirectly; excess sugars and refined carbs affect the oral microbiome, potentially triggering inflammation impacting the heart.

:hourglass_flowing_sand::broken_heart: Heart + Chronic diseases don’t appear suddenly; they brew over 5-7 years before turning fatal. Early detection and proactive health measures are crucial in this slow yet perilous journey.

MOST IMP… poor sleep (quantity + quality), stress, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and pushing the body + mind when the 4 S’s are not adhered to, leads to the build up over the years.

To be continued in a series of more insights.


Just wanted to add, that the Active Health Indicator data layer that we are building at Jile Health with 200+ Health Indicators along with Longitudinal Health records will probably be able to solve the Non-communicable nature of Chronic diseases as India is a home of 500 million+ Chronic patients in some stages across age group.

PS: The above use case is not live yet.

Did you know? Headaches can often be traced back to brain inflammation, fueled by deficiencies in magnesium, Vitamin B, and zinc.

Blue lights, flickering lights, nutrient gaps, hidden infections, and toxins like lead, tin, and aluminum could also be lurking behind your chronic headaches.

Instead of relying on paracetamol pills, let’s tackle the root issues with natural remedies. :herb::pill:

Here’s how to find relief:
:one: Say no to inflammatory foods like sugars, wheat, dairy, and processed foods, and give your gut a cleanse.
:two: Fill up on foods rich in magnesium, vitamin Bs, and zinc to address nutritional gaps.
:three: Detoxify your body to lighten the load on your head.
:four: Power up your mitochondria (your body’s powerhouse) to boost energy and combat inflammation.
:five: Dedicate 10-15 minutes to meditation and Epsom salt soaks before bedtime to soothe your mind and body.

Swap out paracetamol for zinc and magnesium supplements in the right doses.

Discover the wonders of nature’s remedies and pave your way to a headache-free life. :star2:
